Parade of Doctors, Medicine, Treatments

Soon after Srila Prabhupada’s serious health crisis on Feb. 26, 1977, a parade of doctors, kavirajas and different treatments ensued until his departure 9 months later. One is easily confused and lost by the constant changes of treatment and medicine prescriptions (most of which Srila Prabhupada refused to take). It is natural to wonder about the unusual nature of Srila Prabhupada’s “illness” and his medical care. There was no logic or sense as to why treatments and doctors were switched or abandoned one after another. Below is a partial list of the doctors, treatments, and medicines. As Tamal said: “so many doctors and medicines, nothing worked.” Everyone including doctors were mystified why Srila Prabhupada withered away in spite of all this. 

In 1977 most knew Srila Prabhupada’s kidneys were failing… but why? If they knew in 1977 what the problem was, then why the continuous search with so many doctors? Symptoms were clear: dropsy, indigestion, anemia, no appetite, constant mucus and bronchitis, weakness, cough, etc. But a symptom does not identify the illness nor the proper medical remedy. A symptom is not a diagnosis. In 2002-05 Dr. Morris at MURR did NAA hair tests which uncovered the cause of Srila Prabhupada’s health failure. It was a lethal, homicidal cadmium poisoning. 

We do not know for sure if diabetes and kidney problems were concurrent, but lethal poisoning was the real cause of health decline. It is to be noted that heavy metals poisoning causes and aggravates diabetes and kidney disease. The facts ascertain a malicious poisoning of the ISKCON Founder-Acharya. The truth of history should be established, justice be served, the culprits, and those subsequently complicit, should be identified and punished. A complete review and cleansing must be made of all the policies and deviations that the poisoners and their followers injected into Srila Prabhupada’s spiritual movement. His faithful followers must maintain, preserve, and protect his divine gift to humanity. 


  1. Jan. 12 Dr. G. Ghosh of Allahabad Kumbha Mela 
  2. End Feb. Dr. G. Ghosh of Allahabad Mayapur

Diuretic caused blood in urine

  1. Mar. 7 Bimal Tarka Tirtha, kaviraja Mayapur

Ayurvedic medicines, stopped in days, no results

  1. Mar. 26 Dr. Oja Bombay

High blood pressure, rest and no strain prescribed

  1. Apr. 5 New doctor Bombay

Unknown prescriptions but the treatment was rejected 

  1. Apr. 18 Dr. Sharma Bombay

Tried to give injection with pills, SP refused to take

  1. June 4-5 Dr Ghosh Kodaikanal Vrindaban

Collapsed organs; recommended dialysis etc; treatments refused 

  1. June 24 Bhagatji’s old baba Vrindaban

Medicine of 45 tree barks, SP took, felt better

  1. June 12 Bonamali kaviraja Vrindaban

Milk, cow dung ashes, medicines, 3 weeks: no results

  1. Date ?? Triguna kaviraja/Delhi Vrindaban

He told Yashoda dasi later he treated SP, details unknown

  1. Aug. 15 Chief Dr of Delhi Ayurvedic Hospital, Vrindaban

Came and left, Tamal rejected him

  1. Aug. 15 Dr. Khurana Vrindaban

Kidney failure; dialysis at temple; but Tamal declined

  1. Aug. 15 Bhagatji’s local Vaidya Vrindaban

Dropsy, fast pulse; no salt, less strain; no results.

  1. Aug. 25 Bonamali kaviraja Vrindaban

Some Ayur. Meds; but SP left for London in 2 days

  1. Aug. 27 Tamal, his own diagnosis Vrindaban

SP illness was psychological/subtle, cure was to preach 

  1. Sept. 8 Dr. Andrew McIrvine London

Kidneys, diabetes, malnutrition; performed circumcision

  1. Sept.8 Dr. Kanodia London

Courtesy follow-up check-up after circumcision

  1. Sept. 9 Dr. McIrvine London

More liquids, food, protein, antibiotics prescribed

  1. Sept. 24 Ram Gopal Vaidya Bombay

Liver/kidney problems; meds, special diet; SP rejected

  1. Oct. 3-4 Bonamali kaviraja Vrindaban

Only weakness; diet, Ayur. Meds caused cough, rejected

  1. Oct. ? Dr. Kapoor’s Vaidya Vrindaban

Ordered urine test, Vit. B, breathing exercises, massage,

supplements, no results after 10 days, treatment stopped

  1. Oct. 12 Dr. Ghosh, Kodaikanal Vrindaban

Tamal obstructed his treatment, he left after a few days

  1. Oct. 13 Bhagatji intervened Vrindaban

Arranged urine test; kidney infection; pills, SP refused

  1. Oct. 15 Bonamali kaviraja Vrindaban

Gonorrhea type disorder? -treatment rejected

  1. Oct. 16 Dr. G. Ghosh, Allahabad Vrindaban

Fresh air, protein, posture, urine test, treatment accepted

  1. Oct. 17 Dr. G. Ghosh & Dr. K. Gopal Vrindaban

Kidney infection/damage; Lassix, meds, liquids, nutrition

  1. Oct. 20 Dr. G. Ghosh Vrindaban

After his prescriptions, he left, Dr. Gopal took over

  1. Oct. 20 Dr. K. Gopal Vrindaban

Eat, drink more; treatment was continued for a week

  1. Oct. 22 Dr. K. Gopal Vrindaban

Suspected a lung problem, wanted at home X-rays, Tamal rejected

  1. Oct. 22 Ramanuja kaviraja local Vrindaban

Kidney, digestion; his ideas & his makharadhvaja rejected

  1. Oct. 25 Delhi kaviraja gave makharadhvaja Vrindaban

Self-treatment, makharadhvaja rejected after 3 doses, diarrhea

  1. Oct. 28 Dr. Damodar Prasad Shastri Vrindaban

Fresh Ayurvedic Meds to cure kidneys, treatment continued

  1. Nov. 1 Dr. NL Gupta consulted Vrindaban

Liver problem; prescribed a poison antidote, but not made, given

  1. Nov. 7 Dr. D. P. Shastri returns again Vrindaban

Kidney problem; new Ayurvedic herbal medicine to make blood

  1. Nov. 10 Sri Ramduttji kaviraja came Vrindaban

Milk, cough meds, Shastri stays to make fresh medicines

  1. Feb. 1978 Death certificate obtained in Mathura

Heart attack listed; an arbitrary misdiagnosis 3 months later

  1. At least several other unnamed doctors came, gave misdiagnoses and ineffective treatments.

The total for 1977 was at least forty kavirajas and doctors.

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