The report from Dr. J Steven Morris at MURR (Missouri Univ. Research Reactor) was released in 2017, with 6 Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) hair tests determining that Srila Prabhupada had been homicidally poisoned with cadmium. Immediately, GBC agents began to denigrate Dr. Morris- that he used the wrong methods, that he was not a forensic scientist, that he made errors, etc. Thus, it is good to examine Dr. Morris’ and MURR’s credentials.
Dr. Morris is in the very top of his scientific field. He has been a senior research reactor analyst at MURR, engaged in neutron activation analyses for law enforcement, academic research projects, and primarily private concerns. He does not do commercial work. He has done many studies of Aztec and Peruvian mummies, including NAA hair and tissue tests on them. Also it is noted that the MURR facility is one of the premiere and most advanced NAA and nuclear research facilities in the world. His experience with NAA hair tests is very broad, and Dr. J. Steven Morris was recommended to Balavanta das, the GBC investigator, in 1998 by the FBI office in Raleigh, NC.
In a 2008 bulletin from the University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR), p. 3, it is stated:
Trace-Element Epidemiology: The Role of Sellenium in Human Health.
For 30 years, Dr. J. Steven Morris, a senior research scientist at MURR, has led a trace-element epidemiology (TEE) research program focused on better understanding the influences of both required and toxic trace-elements on human health. Epidemiology is broadly defined as the study of disease in defined populations and strives for an understanding of incidence and risk factors hopefully leading to prevention, or at least delaying onset, of chronic disease. The MURR TEE research program was launched in 1978 using neutron activation analysis to investigate the hypothesis that dietary selenium is protective against cancer. Thirty years later, hypotheses linking selenium to cancer and other chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, AIDS and arthritis, are still of great interest. Over this period the program has participated in approximately 50 population, case control, and intervention trials of selenium and human health – and numerous animal studies, to elucidate selenium’s biological roles and how it is distributed in critical organs.
So, what has been learned? First, for large population-based epidemiological studies of selenium to be feasible, an accurate biomonitor of selenium intake and status was needed. It was demonstrated that toenail clippings, which are largely protein, satisfy the monitoring requirements for selenium. Second, selenium expresses its essentiality through a collection of selenoproteins growing in number through new discoveries. Third, selenium is classified as a micronutrient, meaning the daily requirement is less than one one-thousandth of a gram. Selenium becomes toxic at intakes not greatly in excess of the requirement. Hence, the optimal range of selenium intake is narrow. Fourth, a subset of the population has been identified in some epidemiological studies to benefit from a daily intake of selenium somewhat in excess of the requirement as established in clinical studies.
This controversy regarding actual requirement has led to reports in the media that frequently overstate the benefits of selenium, resulting in a growing number of people who not only take a selenium supplement, but over-supplement with selenium. In response, a major goal of the TEE research program has been to establish a selenium-status diagnostic, using the toenail biomonitor. From research, it’s suggested that the optimal range in selenium status is reflected by a toenail selenium concentration in the range of 0.75 to 1.50 PPM. Fifth, a comprehensive study of thousands of Missourians done in 2000-2002 indicates approximately 25 percent may have sub-optimal selenium status. In contrast, the increased use of dietary supplements, and particularly ones containing selenium, has resulted in mis-formulated products in this unregulated health field.
MURR is currently leading a follow-up study of selenium intoxication caused by one grossly mis-formulated selenium supplement that has caused serious adverse health effects and contributed to at least one death in the Southeastern U.S. The take-away message is to be wary of dietary supplements and become informed regarding their selenium status.
Dr. Morris works on projects in these areas: (1) University educational classes, projects, etc. (2) Outside contract work for profit to supplement university funding for the Nuclear Reactor Department (3) Research in nutritional and environmental effects of various elements such as selenium, arsenic, cadmium, aluminum, etc. on human health (4) Two major areas of research have been how lack of selenium is related to prostate cancer and how excess of arsenic leads to hardening of arteries and heart disease. (5) Study of Aztec and Peruvian mummies including NAA on hair samples thereof. Therefore it would be safe to accept Dr. Morris as a pre-eminent expert on the testing for amounts of elements such as arsenic and cadmium in human tissue and hair, and an expert on what constitutes normal and abnormal levels of the same.
University of Missouri Research Reactor Center: The University of Missouri Research Reactor Center (MURR) is home to a tank-type nuclear research reactor that serves the University of Missouri’s Nuclear Science and Engineering Institute (NSEI) in Columbia. As of March 2012, the MURR is the highest power university research reactor in the U.S. at 10 megawatt thermal output. The fuel is highly enriched uranium. History and overview: In 1959, University President Elmer Ellis proposed a research reactor, as part of the University of Missouri. The MURR began operation Oct. 13, 1966 just southwest of the university’s main campus and the city’s main business district.
In 1970, MURR scientist Dr. George Leddicotte gave the first courtroom testimony on murder trial evidence using neutron activation analysis. Four years later MURR began operating at 10 MW, making it the highest powered U.S. university reactor. Ir-192 was first produced at MURR for fighting breast cancer in 1976. The first small angle neutron scattering (SANS) spectrometer in the U.S. was installed in 1980. In 1986 the first experiments were performed that led to developing Quadramet and TheraSphere, which were later approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for helping fight against bone and liver cancer respectively. Since 2000, systematic upgrades, renovation, and renewal to MURR facilities and instrumentation in preparation for the next 20 years of licensed operation have taken place.
In 2002, a 6,000 sq ft building addition opened the way for expansion into cGMP scaleup of isotopes. Groundbreaking began in 2006 on a 25,000 sq ft addition to house laboratories, classrooms and offices to advance interdisciplinary research, education and treatment of patients. As of 2012, MURR supports research of approximately 400 faculty and 150 graduate students representing more than 180 departments from more than 100 international universities and 40 federal and industrial labs every year. A cyclotron that will supply mid-Missouri with isotopes for PET imaging and support additional research, development, and clinical trials has been installed.
Research: The MURR contributes to research in boron neutron capture therapy, neutron scattering and neutron interferometry, neutron transmutation doping of semiconductor materials, use of radioisotopes for imaging and treatment of cancer, epidemiology, and archaeology, along with many others. Archaeometry Laboratory: The Archaeometry Laboratory at MURR has been funded by National Science Foundation (NSF) since 1988. The neutron activation capabilities are used to characterize over 30 major, minor, and trace elements in archaeological and geological materials. In addition to neutron activation, the laboratory maintains and operates several X-ray fluorescence spectrometers, multiple ICP-mass spectrometers, and a multi-collector ICP-MS for isotope-ratio mass spectrometry. The laboratory is one of only a handful of facilities in the world to have access to all of these analytical methods.
Data generated by the laboratory are typically used by archaeologists to study issues relating to provenance (geological source) that facilitate understanding of trade and exchange in prehistory. The laboratory also handles analyses of geological materials in support of geology, soil science, and other environmental sciences. Neutron scattering: The neutron scattering program at MURR has a long, productive history. Many prominent scientists have graduated from this program and benefited from the in depth, hands on experience afforded by MURR’s unique combination of high neutron flux and proximity to a flagship campus (UM). On the other hand, cutting edge research continues on the four active neutron scattering instruments of MURR’s beamport floor: Triax (a triple-axis spectrometer), NR/GANS (a neutron reflectometer with spin-polarized capability), 2X-C (a multi-detector diffractometer), and PSD (a high-resolution diffractometer with position sensitive detectors). Furthermore, the landmark neutron interferometry experiments performed here have played an important role in opening the field of experimental quantum mechanics.