A number of conclusions have been reached from the forensic tests on Srila Prabhupada’s saved hair samples and from the available body of scientific literatures and studies.
(1) Average normal cadmium level in human hair is 0.064 ppm. Srila Prabhupada’s 15.73 ppm cadmium average in 3 tests is 250 X normal.
(2) Even those who had serious environmental or occupational exposure to cadmium only averaged 0.387 ppm cadmium. Srila Prabhupada had 40 X more than those who were accidently poisoned.
(3) Srila Prabhupada had 4 X more cadmium in his hair than in the worst USA cadmium-polluted waste dump.
(4) Srila Prabhupada’s sky-high cadmium levels are lethal over a short period of time. Somehow Srila Prabhupada survived these levels for at least 10 months.
(5) Cadmium aggravates, causes, and accelerates diabetes and kidney disease, which is what ISKCON’s GBC claims was Srila Prabhupada’s natural cause of death, an explanation which ignores the lethal cadmium levels.
(6) Srila Prabhupada had at least 12 physical symptoms unique to cadmium poisoning which are NOT found in diabetes or kidney disease, as well as 10 different physical symptoms which are not found in diabetes or kidney disease.
(7) Srila Prabhupada’s medical history for 1977 totally matches the outcome of a chronic, serious cadmium poisoning, with fatigue, no digestion or taste, physical wasting, anorexia, excessive constant mucus/ colds/ rhinitis/ conjunctivitis/ heavy cough.
(8) There were no medical tests, or memories of tests, including at the London hospital where Srila Prabhupada went Sept. 8, 1977, to specify any diabetes or kidney disease that Srila Prabhupada may have had. The ISKCON GBC’s claims in this regard are unsubstantiated by any known medical tests. Both his personal servants, Hari Sauri and Sruti Kirti, have stated they never had any indication of either diabetes or kidney disease from 1972 to 1977.
(9) The primary poison was cadmium, with arsenic and antimony being secondary.
(10) These levels of average 15.73 ppm cadmium in hair could only come about by a deliberate, malicious, homicidal poisoning through food or drink, via cadmium salts which are water soluble, tasteless, colorless, and look like sugar.
(11) The arsenic water crisis in Bengal began in the early 1980’s when new deep bore wells were dug. Srila Prabhupada’s elevated arsenic thus could not come from water wells that were not yet existing, neither would arsenic tainted water explain the cadmium.