Truth Labs Forensic Report
Salient features of the Forensic Evaluation & Interpretation of Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) Reports of Dr. Morris (on the Hair Samples of Srila Prabhupada), alongwith Pharmaco-Pathological and Medico-Legal Assessment Report of August 2024 of Truth Lab Mr. Naveen Khurana submitted a requisition letter dated September 1, 2019, along with the certain documents to Truth Lab for Forensic Evaluation & Interpretation of Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) Reports of Dr. Morris on the Hair Samples of Srila Prabhupada, Pharmaco-Pathological and Medico-Legal Assessment Report on the cause and manner of death of Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, who passed away on 14th November, 1977. Dr. Gandhi PC Kaza, Chairman and Founder of Truth Labs, an Independent Forensic Science Laboratory in India constituted an Experts’ Committee for forensic evaluation and interpretation of the results of NAA analysis, and based on the available NAA reports and background information provided, to carry out Pharmaco-Pathological and Medico-Legal assessment on the cause and manner of death of Srila Prabhupada, with the following members: Gandhi PC Kaza, Chairman and Senior Forensic Expert of Truth Labs, Hyderabad for Forensic Evaluation on NAA Reports, D. M. Ravichand, Professor & Consultant of Pharmaco-Pathology of Truth Labs, Hyderabad to examine the Pharmaco-Pathological aspects of the incident, and M. Narayana Reddy, Professor and Medico-Legal Consultant of Truth Labs & Professor of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Hyderabad to analyse the NAA and Pharmaco-Pathological reports along with background documents, to arrive at an opinion about the cause and manner of death of Swami Srila Prabhupada. NAA EVALUATION AND INTERPRETATION REPORT: Based on the details ofchain ofcustody ofsix hair samples (‘QI’, ‘D’, ‘A ‘J’, ‘ND-2’ and ‘Q2’) provided in the requisition letter as ‘Annexure-I’, the followingfacts were drawn: The ISKCON’s Governing Body Commission (GBC) and otherfollowers of Srila Prabhupada preserved the scalp hair as sacred relics. J. Steven Morris of University of Missouri at Columbia tested six of Srila Prabhupada’s scalp hair samples preserved as sacred relics for NAA for the presence of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), antimony (Sb) and merczuy (Hg). These samples were tested at different times in 1999, 2002 and 2005. The hair samples collected, J’ and ‘ND-2’ were from the period before mid-1976, whereas the remainingfour samples ‘A’, ‘D’, ‘QI ‘ and Q2’ were taken between Nov 1976-Sep 1977. The results of NAA performed by Dr. J. Steven Morris at MURR are shown in Table-I below: *NAL: Normal Average Level in ppm as stated by Dr. J, Steven Morris and the requisition authority. S. No. Sample Metallic Poison Tested m No. of times above normal level Cd Sb H *NAL: 0.13 *NAL: 0.07 *NAL: 0.08 *NAL: 1 1. 2.6 Not tested As : 20 more times 2. D 0.640 19.9 0.661 3.72 D: 284 more Hg:2.72 more Sb: 8 times times times more 3. 0.200 12.4 0.186 5.16 Cd: 177 times more Hg: 4.16 times more 4. 0.082 <2.3 0.080 1.62 Hg: Just above normal level 5. ND-2 0.206 0.013 1.85 Hg: Just above normal level 6. 0.85 14.9 Not tested Cd: 212 times more Table-I: Results 0tNAA. Based on the above table, the following inferences are drawn: The test results indicate that the cadmium levels were abnormally high ranging between 177-284 time. The above results clearly indicate the multiple times cut hair samples marked as ‘A’ and Q2′ contained 177 times and 212 times higher levels of Cadmium, whereas the single cut sample marked as ‘D’ contained the highest quantity of Cadmium. The above variations in the hair samples strongly indicate that the single cut sample containing 284 times more cadmium levels is one of the highest levels of ingestion. The NAA test results show that Srila Prabhupada was primarily poisoned with cadmium. Arsenic, Antimony and Mercury appear to have been used in toxic doses occasionally. Two scalp hair samples ‘J’ and ‘ND-2’ belonged to the period when Srila Prabhupada’s health was near normal indicating the toxic ingestion could have been initiated after mid-1976, whereas the remaining four samples ‘QI’, ‘D, ‘At and ‘Q2’ belonged to the period when his health had rapidly deteriorated in the last stages of his life. PHARMACO-PATHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT REPORT: Toxicity of Cadmium: Cadmium is a metabolic poison and when orally ingested, cadmium gets deposited in the kidneys and liver, and a minimal amount is excreted through urine. Cadmium causes renal tubular damage, leading to overall physical deterioration. Cadmium is a naturally occurring toxic heavy metal that interferes with the functioning of some of the basic chemical processes that sustain life. It is present in only trace amounts in the environment. Cadmium is a cumulative poison due to slow excretion from the body. About 10 mg of ingested cadmium causes severe toxic symptoms. Cadmium is carried through the blood and gets deposited in the hair, and the amount of cadmium deposited in the hair depends on the corresponding blood level at the time of deposition which varies with the poison ingestion time. Cadmium poisoning is irreversible. There is no antidote or chelation therapy for cadmium poisoning. Ayurvedic drugs do not contain cadmium. The possibility of cadmium contamination interfering with the presence of cadmium in hair samples is remote as the MSDS data of Wahl Clipper oil which only contains white mineral oil with no chance for the presence of cadmium or any other metallic toxic components. The possibility of cadmium contamination in body massage oils is ruled out as per the data given for organic oil compositions of natural organic medicines extracted from medicinal plants marketed as ayurvedic drugs, only contain organic essential oils with no chance for the presence of cadmium or any other metallic toxic components. Cause of deatb_appears to be intricately linked with Cadmium poisoning: The abnormally high levels of cadmium found in Swami Prabhupada’s hair relic samples to the extent of 284 times beyond normal human threshold limits must have led to endothelium damage that appears to have caused both cardio-toxicity and neurotoxicity, resulting in slow deterioration to death. From a Pharmaco-Pathological point of view, it is further
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