Author name: Nityananda das

Truth Labs Forensic Report

Salient features of the Forensic Evaluation & Interpretation of Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) Reports of Dr. Morris (on the Hair Samples of Srila Prabhupada), alongwith Pharmaco-Pathological and Medico-Legal Assessment Report of August 2024 of Truth Lab Mr. Naveen Khurana submitted a requisition letter dated September 1, 2019, along with the certain documents to Truth Lab for Forensic Evaluation & Interpretation of Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) Reports of Dr. Morris on the Hair Samples of Srila Prabhupada, Pharmaco-Pathological and Medico-Legal Assessment Report on the cause and manner of death of Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, who passed away on 14th November, 1977. Dr. Gandhi PC Kaza, Chairman and Founder of Truth Labs, an Independent Forensic Science Laboratory in India constituted an Experts’ Committee for forensic evaluation and interpretation of the results of NAA analysis, and based on the available NAA reports and background information provided, to carry out Pharmaco-Pathological and Medico-Legal assessment on the cause and manner of death of Srila Prabhupada, with the following members: Gandhi PC Kaza, Chairman and Senior Forensic Expert of Truth Labs, Hyderabad for Forensic Evaluation on NAA Reports, D. M. Ravichand, Professor & Consultant of Pharmaco-Pathology of Truth Labs, Hyderabad to examine the Pharmaco-Pathological aspects of the incident, and M. Narayana Reddy, Professor and Medico-Legal Consultant of Truth Labs & Professor of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Hyderabad to analyse the NAA and Pharmaco-Pathological reports along with background documents, to arrive at an opinion about the cause and manner of death of Swami Srila Prabhupada. NAA EVALUATION AND INTERPRETATION REPORT: Based on the details ofchain ofcustody ofsix hair samples (‘QI’, ‘D’, ‘A ‘J’, ‘ND-2’ and ‘Q2’) provided in the requisition letter as ‘Annexure-I’, the followingfacts were drawn: The ISKCON’s Governing Body Commission (GBC) and otherfollowers of Srila Prabhupada preserved the scalp hair as sacred relics. J. Steven Morris of University of Missouri at Columbia tested six of Srila Prabhupada’s scalp hair samples preserved as sacred relics for NAA for the presence of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), antimony (Sb) and merczuy (Hg). These samples were tested at different times in 1999, 2002 and 2005. The hair samples collected, J’ and ‘ND-2’ were from the period before mid-1976, whereas the remainingfour samples ‘A’, ‘D’, ‘QI ‘ and Q2’ were taken between Nov 1976-Sep 1977. The results of NAA performed by Dr. J. Steven Morris at MURR are shown in Table-I below: *NAL: Normal Average Level in ppm as stated by Dr. J, Steven Morris and the requisition authority. S. No. Sample Metallic Poison Tested m No. of times above normal level   Cd Sb H *NAL: 0.13 *NAL: 0.07 *NAL: 0.08 *NAL: 1 1.   2.6 Not tested As : 20 more times 2. D 0.640 19.9 0.661 3.72 D: 284 more Hg:2.72 more Sb: 8 times times times more 3.   0.200 12.4 0.186 5.16 Cd: 177 times more Hg: 4.16 times more 4.   0.082 <2.3 0.080 1.62 Hg: Just above normal level 5. ND-2   0.206 0.013 1.85 Hg: Just above normal level 6.   0.85 14.9 Not tested Cd: 212 times more Table-I: Results 0tNAA. Based on the above table, the following inferences are drawn: The test results indicate that the cadmium levels were abnormally high ranging between 177-284 time. The above results clearly indicate the multiple times cut hair samples marked as ‘A’ and Q2′ contained 177 times and 212 times higher levels of Cadmium, whereas the single cut sample marked as ‘D’ contained the highest quantity of Cadmium. The above variations in the hair samples strongly indicate that the single cut sample containing 284 times more cadmium levels is one of the highest levels of ingestion. The NAA test results show that Srila Prabhupada was primarily poisoned with cadmium. Arsenic, Antimony and Mercury appear to have been used in toxic doses occasionally. Two scalp hair samples ‘J’ and ‘ND-2’ belonged to the period when Srila Prabhupada’s health was near normal indicating the toxic ingestion could have been initiated after mid-1976, whereas the remaining four samples ‘QI’, ‘D, ‘At and ‘Q2’ belonged to the period when his health had rapidly deteriorated in the last stages of his life. PHARMACO-PATHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT REPORT: Toxicity of Cadmium: Cadmium is a metabolic poison and when orally ingested, cadmium gets deposited in the kidneys and liver, and a minimal amount is excreted through urine. Cadmium causes renal tubular damage, leading to overall physical deterioration. Cadmium is a naturally occurring toxic heavy metal that interferes with the functioning of some of the basic chemical processes that sustain life. It is present in only trace amounts in the environment. Cadmium is a cumulative poison due to slow excretion from the body. About 10 mg of ingested cadmium causes severe toxic symptoms. Cadmium is carried through the blood and gets deposited in the hair, and the amount of cadmium deposited in the hair depends on the corresponding blood level at the time of deposition which varies with the poison ingestion time. Cadmium poisoning is irreversible. There is no antidote or chelation therapy for cadmium poisoning. Ayurvedic drugs do not contain cadmium. The possibility of cadmium contamination interfering with the presence of cadmium in hair samples is remote as the MSDS data of Wahl Clipper oil which only contains white mineral oil with no chance for the presence of cadmium or any other metallic toxic components. The possibility of cadmium contamination in body massage oils is ruled out as per the data given for organic oil compositions of natural organic medicines extracted from medicinal plants marketed as ayurvedic drugs, only contain organic essential oils with no chance for the presence of cadmium or any other metallic toxic components. Cause of deatb_appears to be intricately linked with Cadmium poisoning: The abnormally high levels of cadmium found in Swami Prabhupada’s hair relic samples to the extent of 284 times beyond normal human threshold limits must have led to endothelium damage that appears to have caused both cardio-toxicity and neurotoxicity, resulting in slow deterioration to death. From a Pharmaco-Pathological point of view, it is further

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Medical Symptoms Confirm Poisoning

CADMIUM POISONING RESEMBLES COMMON DISEASES Those who master-minded Srila Prabhupada’s cadmium poisoning likely knew that the resulting symptoms would closely resemble those of diabetes, kidney disease, or a host of other ailments. No one would be able to ascertain the real cause of illness. Otherwise, why use heavy metals? The poisoners learned somewhere that heavy metals were an excellent choice of a poison for Srila Prabhupada because it would appear like diabetes, kidney failure, old age, etc.  Thorough investigation of the scene and circumstances, consideration of medical history, and comprehensive toxicology testing is necessary to detect most poisons. Each poison must be specifically tested for, otherwise it will be missed. Progressive application of toxicology tests to rule out each possible agent, considering the symptoms, are the key to detection of a poisoning. In his last 18 months Srila Prabhupada experienced several severe “attacks” of stomach pain, fever and distress, and after each successive episode he was physically weaker. This is not seen in the natural evolution of diabetes or kidney disease. From May 1976 onwards, Srila Prabhupada displayed physical and medical symptoms that are highly correlated to chronic cadmium poisoning, especially during the presence of Tamal, who was the personal secretary. Srila Prabhupada’s very elevated cadmium throughout 1977 correlates with the time of his acute health deterioration, whereas earlier years from 1968 to mid-1976 showed strong health and a physical vigor unmatched by his young disciples. His occasional edema (swelling) did not slow him down. The cadmium caused Srila Prabhupada’s catastrophic health decline. It was convenient that cadmium poisoning looks like, causes, exacerbates diabetes and kidney failure. The ISKCON GBC’s position that Srila Prabhupada died from diabetes and kidney disease (and not poisoning) is not supported by any doctor diagnosis or a coroner’s report. And, medical symptom analysis finds a set of symptoms unique to cadmium poisoning, but which are not found in diabetes nor kidney disease. So, even if Srila Prabhupada did have advanced diabetes or kidney disease (and there is no proof of this), he also displayed clear symptoms of heavy metal poisoning! THE MYSTERY SYMPTOMS Srila Prabhupada’s physical health symptoms includes many which are not reconcilable with Diabetes Type II or kidney disease. These symptoms can be called “mystery” symptoms- those which are unique to cadmium poisoning. They are a clear validation and further confirmation of the hair sample forensic findings which show highly elevated cadmium levels. Medical symptom analysis is common and standard evidence in all deaths under suspicious circumstances, and it is a very appropriate research exercise in understanding Srila Prabhupada’s health condition. The sequelae (complications) of diabetes and renal (kidney) disease could conceivably stretch to include some atypical ailments, but not an entire group of them at once. Although diabetes leads to many consequent illnesses, Srila Prabhupada very prominently exhibited many unusual symptoms not associated with or attributable to diabetes or kidney disease (but which are unique symptoms of cadmium poisoning). These “mystery” symptoms include: EYES: (1). EXTREME PHOTOPHOBIA/ Light sensitive eyes (2). CHRONIC CONJUNCTIVITIS & TEARING EYES LUNGS:(3). CHRONIC BHRONCHITIS w/ mucus in lungs (4). COUGH AND UPPER RESPIRATORY IRRITATION (5). LUNG IRREGULARITIES (short breath, pleurisy) MUCUS:(6). CHRONIC RHINITIS: runny-sneezy-stuffy nose (7). LIVER CHANGES: weakness, enlarged, disease VOICE: (8). SCRATCHY, HOARSE, HUSKY VOICE DROOLING:(9). EXCESSIVE SALIVATION, DROOLING URINARY TRACT:(10). PHIMOSIS, URINARY TRACT INFLAMMATION FACE:(11) EXPRESSIONLESS, COLORLESS FACE MIND: (12) TEARFUL, SENSITIVE, MELANCHOLIC, VERY EMOTIONAL   The above “mystery” symptoms are typical of chronic cadmium poisoning. Further, ALL the other medical symptoms Srila Prabhupada exhibited are also attributable to cadmium, so he had no symptoms which would contradict a heavy metal poisoning. And although he had some symptoms compatible with diabetes and kidney disease, other symptoms were not. The mystery symptoms examined in detail:   EXTREME PHOTOPHOBIA/ LIGHT SENSITIVE EYES SENSITIVITY OF EYES TO LIGHT: Photophobia is when light hurts the eyes and is avoided. For those “in the dark,” some references from “the scientific-medical world” are: PHOTOPHOBIA FROM ARSENIC, MERCURY, AND CADMIUM: Praxair Technology ( issues a material safety sheet on arsenic trioxide where photophobia, tearing is listed among the “effects of repeated (chronic) overexposure. Rocky Mountain Arsenal Medical Monitoring Program found at ( lists the symptoms of arsenic poisoning, and photophobia is included. PubMed (www. Nat’l Library of Medicine, cites from Mar. 1989 (Ann Emerg Med) by DiNapoli, Hall, & Rumack from Dept. of Emergency Medicine, Parview Episcopal Medical Center, Pueblo, CO that documents photophobia as a result of arsenic poisoning. PubMed also cited another article (Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax, 1997) by French physicians in Lausanne, Switzerland who documented photophobia as a result of mercury poisoning.  An online search showed no doubt of photophobia being a prominent symptom of cadmium poisoning, as well as several other types of poisoning like mercury, etc. Two random sites are:’s/cadmiumsulfide.pdf There is plentiful scientific evidence to confirm that photophobia is a cadmium and arsenic poisoning symptom. Further, photophobia is not typical to diabetes or kidney disease. There are numerous references to allergic reactions to drugs, including mustard gas and mercury, resulting in photophobia. Glaucoma sometimes causes photophobia, but Srila Prabhupada did not have its other symptoms. Diabetic retinopathy may result in photophobia in the earlier stages of diabetes, but it is unusual, and Srila Prabhupada had no signs of either retinopathy or glaucoma. REFERENCES FOR PHOTOPHOBIA IN SRILA PRABHUPADA’S HEALTH HISTORY  Many photos show him with sunglasses indoors. Some references to extreme photophobia:  “…put on sunglasses so your eyes won’t be hurt by the sun.”  No translation work and darkened quarters. Going to the temple in the mornings, he wore his “dark sunglasses.” (Sat:6.361-2)  Later, Swarup Damodar asked, “Light?” […] Srila Prabhupada responded, “Oh. Just make it dark. (sound of curtains closing)” Tamal said, “We’ll put your sunglasses on so you won’t be disturbed by the light.” (Conv, Oct. 29, 1977) Srila Prabhupada was brought onto the balcony verandah and put on His sunglasses. Tamal feared Srila Prabhupada may be developing eye problems since “…he again put on sunglasses, though we were

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Parade of Doctors, Medicine, Treatments

Soon after Srila Prabhupada’s serious health crisis on Feb. 26, 1977, a parade of doctors, kavirajas and different treatments ensued until his departure 9 months later. One is easily confused and lost by the constant changes of treatment and medicine prescriptions (most of which Srila Prabhupada refused to take). It is natural to wonder about the unusual nature of Srila Prabhupada’s “illness” and his medical care. There was no logic or sense as to why treatments and doctors were switched or abandoned one after another. Below is a partial list of the doctors, treatments, and medicines. As Tamal said: “so many doctors and medicines, nothing worked.” Everyone including doctors were mystified why Srila Prabhupada withered away in spite of all this.  In 1977 most knew Srila Prabhupada’s kidneys were failing… but why? If they knew in 1977 what the problem was, then why the continuous search with so many doctors? Symptoms were clear: dropsy, indigestion, anemia, no appetite, constant mucus and bronchitis, weakness, cough, etc. But a symptom does not identify the illness nor the proper medical remedy. A symptom is not a diagnosis. In 2002-05 Dr. Morris at MURR did NAA hair tests which uncovered the cause of Srila Prabhupada’s health failure. It was a lethal, homicidal cadmium poisoning.  We do not know for sure if diabetes and kidney problems were concurrent, but lethal poisoning was the real cause of health decline. It is to be noted that heavy metals poisoning causes and aggravates diabetes and kidney disease. The facts ascertain a malicious poisoning of the ISKCON Founder-Acharya. The truth of history should be established, justice be served, the culprits, and those subsequently complicit, should be identified and punished. A complete review and cleansing must be made of all the policies and deviations that the poisoners and their followers injected into Srila Prabhupada’s spiritual movement. His faithful followers must maintain, preserve, and protect his divine gift to humanity.  THE PARADE OF DOCTORS IN 1977 Jan. 12 Dr. G. Ghosh of Allahabad Kumbha Mela  End Feb. Dr. G. Ghosh of Allahabad Mayapur Diuretic caused blood in urine Mar. 7 Bimal Tarka Tirtha, kaviraja Mayapur Ayurvedic medicines, stopped in days, no results Mar. 26 Dr. Oja Bombay High blood pressure, rest and no strain prescribed Apr. 5 New doctor Bombay Unknown prescriptions but the treatment was rejected  Apr. 18 Dr. Sharma Bombay Tried to give injection with pills, SP refused to take June 4-5 Dr Ghosh Kodaikanal Vrindaban Collapsed organs; recommended dialysis etc; treatments refused  June 24 Bhagatji’s old baba Vrindaban Medicine of 45 tree barks, SP took, felt better June 12 Bonamali kaviraja Vrindaban Milk, cow dung ashes, medicines, 3 weeks: no results Date ?? Triguna kaviraja/Delhi Vrindaban He told Yashoda dasi later he treated SP, details unknown Aug. 15 Chief Dr of Delhi Ayurvedic Hospital, Vrindaban Came and left, Tamal rejected him Aug. 15 Dr. Khurana Vrindaban Kidney failure; dialysis at temple; but Tamal declined Aug. 15 Bhagatji’s local Vaidya Vrindaban Dropsy, fast pulse; no salt, less strain; no results. Aug. 25 Bonamali kaviraja Vrindaban Some Ayur. Meds; but SP left for London in 2 days Aug. 27 Tamal, his own diagnosis Vrindaban SP illness was psychological/subtle, cure was to preach  Sept. 8 Dr. Andrew McIrvine London Kidneys, diabetes, malnutrition; performed circumcision Sept.8 Dr. Kanodia London Courtesy follow-up check-up after circumcision Sept. 9 Dr. McIrvine London More liquids, food, protein, antibiotics prescribed Sept. 24 Ram Gopal Vaidya Bombay Liver/kidney problems; meds, special diet; SP rejected Oct. 3-4 Bonamali kaviraja Vrindaban Only weakness; diet, Ayur. Meds caused cough, rejected Oct. ? Dr. Kapoor’s Vaidya Vrindaban Ordered urine test, Vit. B, breathing exercises, massage, supplements, no results after 10 days, treatment stopped Oct. 12 Dr. Ghosh, Kodaikanal Vrindaban Tamal obstructed his treatment, he left after a few days Oct. 13 Bhagatji intervened Vrindaban Arranged urine test; kidney infection; pills, SP refused Oct. 15 Bonamali kaviraja Vrindaban Gonorrhea type disorder? -treatment rejected Oct. 16 Dr. G. Ghosh, Allahabad Vrindaban Fresh air, protein, posture, urine test, treatment accepted Oct. 17 Dr. G. Ghosh & Dr. K. Gopal Vrindaban Kidney infection/damage; Lassix, meds, liquids, nutrition Oct. 20 Dr. G. Ghosh Vrindaban After his prescriptions, he left, Dr. Gopal took over Oct. 20 Dr. K. Gopal Vrindaban Eat, drink more; treatment was continued for a week Oct. 22 Dr. K. Gopal Vrindaban Suspected a lung problem, wanted at home X-rays, Tamal rejected Oct. 22 Ramanuja kaviraja local Vrindaban Kidney, digestion; his ideas & his makharadhvaja rejected Oct. 25 Delhi kaviraja gave makharadhvaja Vrindaban Self-treatment, makharadhvaja rejected after 3 doses, diarrhea Oct. 28 Dr. Damodar Prasad Shastri Vrindaban Fresh Ayurvedic Meds to cure kidneys, treatment continued Nov. 1 Dr. NL Gupta consulted Vrindaban Liver problem; prescribed a poison antidote, but not made, given Nov. 7 Dr. D. P. Shastri returns again Vrindaban Kidney problem; new Ayurvedic herbal medicine to make blood Nov. 10 Sri Ramduttji kaviraja came Vrindaban Milk, cough meds, Shastri stays to make fresh medicines Feb. 1978 Death certificate obtained in Mathura Heart attack listed; an arbitrary misdiagnosis 3 months later At least several other unnamed doctors came, gave misdiagnoses and ineffective treatments. The total for 1977 was at least forty kavirajas and doctors.

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Dr. J. Steven Morris, Murr Credentials

The report from Dr. J Steven Morris at MURR (Missouri Univ. Research Reactor) was released in 2017, with 6 Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) hair tests determining that Srila Prabhupada had been homicidally poisoned with cadmium. Immediately, GBC agents began to denigrate Dr.  Morris- that he used the wrong methods, that he was not a forensic scientist, that he made errors, etc. Thus, it  is good to examine Dr. Morris’ and MURR’s credentials.  Dr. Morris is in the very top of his scientific field. He has been a senior research reactor analyst at MURR, engaged in neutron activation analyses for law enforcement, academic research projects, and primarily private concerns. He does not do commercial work. He has done many studies of Aztec and Peruvian mummies, including NAA hair and tissue tests on them. Also it is noted that the MURR facility is one of the premiere and most advanced NAA and nuclear research facilities in the world. His experience with NAA hair tests is very broad, and Dr. J. Steven Morris was recommended to Balavanta das, the GBC investigator, in 1998 by the FBI office in Raleigh, NC. In a 2008 bulletin from the University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR), p. 3, it is stated: Trace-Element Epidemiology: The Role of Sellenium in Human Health. For 30 years, Dr. J. Steven Morris, a senior research scientist at MURR, has led a trace-element epidemiology (TEE) research program focused on better understanding the influences of both required and toxic trace-elements on human health. Epidemiology is broadly defined as the study of disease in defined populations and strives for an understanding of incidence and risk factors hopefully leading to prevention, or at least delaying onset, of chronic disease. The MURR TEE research program was launched in 1978 using neutron activation analysis to investigate the hypothesis that dietary selenium is protective against cancer. Thirty years later, hypotheses linking selenium to cancer and other chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, AIDS and arthritis, are still of great interest. Over this period the program has participated in approximately 50 population, case control, and intervention trials of selenium and human health – and numerous animal studies, to elucidate selenium’s biological roles and how it is distributed in critical organs.  So, what has been learned? First, for large population-based epidemiological studies of selenium to be feasible, an accurate biomonitor of selenium intake and status was needed. It was demonstrated that toenail clippings, which are largely protein, satisfy the monitoring requirements for selenium. Second, selenium expresses its essentiality through a collection of selenoproteins growing in number through new discoveries. Third, selenium is classified as a micronutrient, meaning the daily requirement is less than one one-thousandth of a gram. Selenium becomes toxic at intakes not greatly in excess of the requirement. Hence, the optimal range of selenium intake is narrow. Fourth, a subset of the population has been identified in some epidemiological studies to benefit from a daily intake of selenium somewhat in excess of the requirement as established in clinical studies.  This controversy regarding actual requirement has led to reports in the media that frequently overstate the benefits of selenium, resulting in a growing number of people who not only take a selenium supplement, but over-supplement with selenium. In response, a major goal of the TEE research program has been to establish a selenium-status diagnostic, using the toenail biomonitor. From research, it’s suggested that the optimal range in selenium status is reflected by a toenail selenium concentration in the range of 0.75 to 1.50 PPM. Fifth, a comprehensive study of thousands of Missourians done in 2000-2002 indicates approximately 25 percent may have sub-optimal selenium status. In contrast, the increased use of dietary supplements, and particularly ones containing selenium, has resulted in mis-formulated products in this unregulated health field.  MURR is currently leading a follow-up study of selenium intoxication caused by one grossly mis-formulated selenium supplement that has caused serious adverse health effects and contributed to at least one death in the Southeastern U.S. The take-away message is to be wary of dietary supplements and become informed regarding their selenium status.  Dr. Morris works on projects in these areas: (1) University educational classes, projects, etc. (2) Outside contract work for profit to supplement university funding for the Nuclear Reactor Department (3) Research in nutritional and environmental effects of various elements such as selenium, arsenic, cadmium, aluminum, etc. on human health (4) Two major areas of research have been how lack of selenium is related to prostate cancer and how excess of arsenic leads to hardening of arteries and heart disease. (5) Study of Aztec and Peruvian mummies including NAA on hair samples thereof. Therefore it would be safe to accept Dr. Morris as a pre-eminent expert on the testing for amounts of elements such as arsenic and cadmium in human tissue and hair, and an expert on what constitutes normal and abnormal levels of the same. University of Missouri Research Reactor Center: The University of Missouri Research Reactor Center (MURR) is home to a tank-type nuclear research reactor that serves the University of Missouri’s Nuclear Science and Engineering Institute (NSEI) in Columbia. As of March 2012, the MURR is the highest power university research reactor in the U.S. at 10 megawatt thermal output. The fuel is highly enriched uranium. History and overview: In 1959, University President Elmer Ellis proposed a research reactor, as part of the University of Missouri. The MURR began operation Oct. 13, 1966 just southwest of the university’s main campus and the city’s main business district.  In 1970, MURR scientist Dr. George Leddicotte gave the first courtroom testimony on murder trial evidence using neutron activation analysis. Four years later MURR began operating at 10 MW, making it the highest powered U.S. university reactor. Ir-192 was first produced at MURR for fighting breast cancer in 1976. The first small angle neutron scattering (SANS) spectrometer in the U.S. was installed in 1980. In 1986 the first experiments were performed that led to developing Quadramet and TheraSphere, which were later approved

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History of ISKCON Gurocracy, Poisoning, and Deviations

His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada came to the USA from India in 1965, and with great difficulty soon started the Hare Krishna Movement and ISKCON. He proved himself, by his accomplishments and spiritual influence, to be the greatest modern-day saint, scholar and spiritual ambassador. From the first temple in New York, gradually his new disciples started temples all over the world. ISKCON grew quickly, and by 1969 there were 35 temples and 200 disciples. Also in 1969 came a “soft coup,” which Srila Prabhupada described as a “sinister movement,” where he was minimized by his Godbrothers and personal ambitions sprouted in some disciples. In reaction, Srila Prabhupada formed a 12-member Governing Body Commission (GBC) in 1970 through a legal document, Direction of Management (DOM). In 1972, ambitious GBCs decided without sanction to refashion and centralize ISKCON, about which Srila Prabhupada was very disturbed, and he temporarily suspended the entire GBC.  Strangely, the GBC ignored and never implemented the DOM or its prescribed GBC elections by temple presidents. In 1974 Srila Prabhupada issued a “Topmost Urgency” ISKCON notice that re-emphasized the DOM, specifically about protection of properties with trustees. In 1975 Srila Prabhupada supervised the first official GBC meetings. In March 1976 Srila Prabhupada removed Tamal Krishna Goswami, the most ambitious GBC member, from all positions and “exiled” him to China. Months later Srila Prabhupada’s homicidal, malicious poisoning by heavy metals began, continuing with his health inexplicably and relentlessly deteriorating until his passing in Nov. 77.  Srila Prabhupada’s instructions in his last year for the future of his movement were hidden, distorted, or suppressed as a deliberate strategy to introduce deviations into ISKCON. By the time of his demise Srila Prabhupada had 5000 disciples, millions of followers, 200 temples and farms, and almost 80 books translated from the Vedic scriptures in 60+ languages that astounded religious academics worldwide. By 2024, his books in print numbered over 600 million.  1978 GBC-GURU HIJACKING, ZONAL ACHARYA REGIME In March 1978 the 24-member GBC endorsed and announced the hoax and total lie that Srila Prabhupada had appointed 11 successor acharyas, leading to a tyranny of unqualified rascals who cemented their parasitic dominion over ISKCON. These 11 became entrenched with the assistance of their own Godbrothers. ISKCON’s GBC was controlled by these 11 “gurus,” leading to a horrible repression and religious fanaticism, but by 1986 most of them had fallen from their spiritual standards in great scandals. In 1987 the secondary ISKCON leaders rebelled and a pseudo reform movement expanded the false gurus within a few years to a hundred. The guru appointment was admitted as false but the GBC then claimed they embodied the divine authority of Srila Prabhupada, and that they were authorized to do whatever they deemed necessary. The GBC adopted a novel guru vote approval system and the GBC-guru cartel was further solidified. Further undermining ISKCON, in 1990-95 Tamal attempted to “piggy-back” install Narayan Maharaja as the new ISKCON Acharya. Secondary leaders managed to restrict this hijacking plot. MALICIOUS, HOMICIDAL, LETHAL HEAVY METALS POISONING OF THE FOUNDER-ACHARYA In 1997 shocking whispers and conversations about poisoning Srila Prabhupada came to light on recordings from his last days in 1977. Ex-GBC Chairman/attorney Balavanta was authorized by the GBC Executive Committee to investigate whether Srila Prabhupada had been poisoned, and he was assisted by GBC Naveen Krishna. This investigation was under-productive and poorly funded, and so, a private investigation was organized by a group of concerned, senior Srila Prabhupada disciples, cooperating with Balavanta and Naveen Krishna.  In 2000, the four primary poisoning suspects amongst the GBC secretly fabricated a fraudulent cover-up of the facts and evidence, publishing Not That I Am Poisoned, a book then unanimously endorsed by the GBC. Balavanta and other GBC agents had sent several 1977 Srila Prabhupada hair samples, always in GBC custody, to be tested by Dr. J Steven Morris at MURR. Upon the GBC’s public invitation, Dr. Morris was paid for 6 neutron activation analysis (NAA) tests on hair samples. Three samples determined Srila Prabhupada’s lethal levels of cadmium over at least 10 months in 1977. Three other samples showed normal pre-1977 levels of heavy metals. A series of top-level audio forensic studies were obtained, all of whom determined that Srila Prabhupada’s caretakers were speaking and whispering about malicious poisoning just days before his departure. All the evidence, history, facts, and analysis gathered by this private investigation into the mysterious circumstances surrounding Srila Prabhupada’s 1976-77 physical departure has been compiled. This, and extensive analysis of the corruption and spoiling of Srila Prabhupada’s books, teachings, followers, and Divine Mission, is now available in a dozen published books, most available online. The truth and forensic facts were gathered in the face of ISKCON denials and obstruction. The GBC has conducted multiple fraudulent cover-ups of Srila Prabhupada’s poisoning despite solid scientific proof.  TRUTH LABS (INDIA) RETAINED TO STUDY POISONING EVIDENCE In 2020 Truth Labs was retained, and the Srila Prabhupada poisoning issue was studied with the latest technology and a neutral, scientific interest to reach a full discovery of the facts. As a natural evolution of the GBC and private investigations, and the Balavanta-Naveen Krishna efforts, and after thousands of hours of forensic study, research, and deliberations in consultation with various experts, Truth Labs, the world’s premiere and highest standard investigative agency, has determined that Srila Prabhupada was indeed lethally poisoned in 1977 by his own caretakers. In 2024, Justice for Srila Prabhupada Foundation was organized,consulting with reputable attorneys. ISKCON HIJACKERS ALLOWED AND PROMOTED SEXUAL CHILD ABUSE From 1978, key leading ISKCON gurus and GBCs fostered a toxic environment of sexual child abuse in ISKCON, especially in Indian gurukula-schools. Many were direct perpetrators while others looked the other way or received special favors. Sexual offenses under the governance of the GBC ISKCON hijackers were institutionally covered-up and continued unaccountably for decades until the present. Like the poison issue, the child sex abuse was deliberately not investigated (or corrected), destroying the younger generation of ISKCON devotees with whom Srila

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Really? No Evidence of Srila Prabhupada’s Poisoning?

There is a signed letter from Dr. Steven Morris, dated Nov. 23, 2015, where he attests that he conducted tests on samples of Srila Prabhupada’s hair. The three samples from 1977 indicate cadmium levels approximately 250 times above normal. The 3 tests of Srila Prabhupada’s hair samples from earlier years indicate cadmium levels at the average, normal level. These hair samples ever went straight from GBC representatives to Dr. Morris. Dr. Morris is a world-renowned leader in the field of forensic toxicology, neutron activation analysis…  Forensic experts have expressed that there is no rational accidental or environmental cause for this level of cadmium in the samples of Srila Prabhupada’s hair. By far the most reasonable explanation is that someone, or more than one person, deliberately, with homicidal intent, gave cadmium to Srila Prabhupada. Forensic toxicologists have confirmed that the level of cadmium found in Srila Prabhupada’s hair constitutes clear indication of deliberate poisoning. One described it as “…prima facie evidence of poisoning with malicious intent.” […]  Several (about half a dozen) top-level experts in the field of audio-forensics have studied tapes and have confirmed, through independent analysis, that in the background, in some of the tapes from November, 1977, some of Srila Prabhupada’s caretakers are whispering, and the whispers unmistakably include the word “poison,” including statements such as “The poison’s going down,” and “Is the poison in the milk?” These audio-forensic experts include John J. Mitchell with Computer Audio Engineering, Tom Owen with Owl Investigations, James Reames with JBR Technologies, and audiologist Helen A. McCaffrey, Ph.D. Tom Owen states “The word poison is clearly audible…There is conversation about poison and the use of it…  Homicide investigator should be consulted… Based on my training and experience, the word poison is clearly audible and intelligible in several instances.” Clearly, without any doubt, as easily seen in Conversations with Srila Prabhupada, Vol. 36 pgs. 367-8, Srila Prabhupada was experiencing mental distress because he suspected, or maybe knew, that he was being poisoned with homicidal intent. Those close to him at the time, such as Tamal Krsna Goswami, Bhavananda Goswami, and Bhakti Caru Maharaja, also expressed very clearly, during those discussions in November, 1977, that they knew, without doubt, that Srila Prabhupada was experiencing distress that he was being given poison, with malicious intent. And, forensic toxicology shows cadmium levels 250 times average, and audio-forensics confirms that Srila Prabhupada’s caretakers are in the background, whispering about poison. And, the official statement of the ISKCON GBC is “There is no evidence at this time to support the allegations of poisoning of Srila Prabhupada.” For me, and I think, many people, such an absurdity coming from ISKCON leadership constitutes, in itself, another category of evidence. If there’s no reason to bluff and conceal, why all the bluff and concealment? […] Please note that Srila Prabhupada clearly expressing mental distress because he suspected or knew that he was being poisoned with murderous intent comes after the “not that I am poisoned comment”  […] Please note also that Srila Prabhupada’s comment “Better to be killed by Rama” comes after Srila Prabhupada was speaking about his mental distress, because he thought, or knew, that he was being giving poison with homicidal intent.   Srila Prabhupada, November 10, 1977- “The Ravana will kill and Rama will kill. Better to be killed by Rama. Eh? That Marica—if he does not go to mislead Sita, he’ll be killed by Ravana; and if he goes to be killed by Rama, then it is better.” […] This is a statement from Srila Prabhupada. Who is the Ravana to whom Srila Prabhupada refers? […] Obviously, when we speak about Srila Prabhupada experiencing distress, we understand that all of Srila Prabhupada’s pastimes and emotions are spiritual, and he is enacting pastimes, for our eternal benefit, and for the benefit of all conditioned souls in material existence. And obviously, persons with malicious intent were not capable to kill Srila Prabhupada. But, it seems, they did give him poison. Sri Krsna and Srila Prabhupada can co-create Srila Prabhupada’s Disappearance Pastime however they choose. How does it make sense to believe that they could do it through, say, a disease germ, or cancer cells, or a crucifixion, but not through persons close to Srila Prabhupada giving him poison? […] Let us again consider carefully ISKCON’s official statement on the matter- “There is no evidence at this time to support the allegations of poisoning of Srila Prabhupada.”

Really? No Evidence of Srila Prabhupada’s Poisoning? Read More »