Salient features of the Forensic Evaluation & Interpretation of Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) Reports of Dr. Morris (on the Hair Samples of
CADMIUM POISONING RESEMBLES COMMON DISEASES Those who master-minded Srila Prabhupada’s cadmium poisoning likely knew that the resulting symptoms would closely resemble those
Soon after Srila Prabhupada’s serious health crisis on Feb. 26, 1977, a parade of doctors, kavirajas and different treatments ensued until his
The report from Dr. J Steven Morris at MURR (Missouri Univ. Research Reactor) was released in 2017, with 6 Neutron Activation Analysis
His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada came to the USA from India in 1965, and with great difficulty soon started
There is a signed letter from Dr. Steven Morris, dated Nov. 23, 2015, where he attests that he conducted tests on samples